So., 05. Feb.
|Zoom Ceremony
Fullmoon Cacao Ceremony - online
free online fullmoon cacao ceremony in english
Wann & wo
05. Feb. 2023, 19:00 MEZ
Zoom Ceremony
Welcome beautiful soul 🦋
as an exam for my cacao facilitator training I want to gift a online cacao ceremony to you.
This is also the reason why it will be held in english - what is also a little step out of my comfort zone.
For the ceremony you need ceremonial cacao already prepared either in a thermos or if you are at home you can keep the pot on the stove and heat it up before we drink the medicine.
I can recommend you the following sources for high quality raw ceremonial grade cacao:
- www.kakaomischa.de with the code JENNYMAJER you get 10% off
- www.goodmood-food.de with the code Merci10 you get 10 % off
- www.cacaoloves.me
If you want to have a profund cacao experience i recommend you the following:
- Do not consume caffeine on the day of the ceremony
- Do not eat 3 hrs before the ceremony and keep you diet on the day of the ceremony light (only fruits, nuts, porridge etc.)
- Avoid animal products, alcohol and nicotine the BEFORE and the day of the ceremony
We want our temple to be as clean & pure (sattvic) as possible to be a pure vessel for mama cacao to open our hearts and visions in the most loving, soft and gentle way.
Please prepare your spot with a comfy place to sit and a little bit of space for some movement.
I recommend to create yourself a small altar with f.e. a candle, crystals, incense, gifts for the elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth) or whatever calls you to be with you during the ceremony and have your journal and a pen and some dinking water handy.
We will start with tuning in with our intention some bodywork, meditation and finally drinking the medicine and working with it on an energetic level.
Take at least 2 hours for yourself, where you can be fully present and undisturbed and integrate the effects of the cacao.
The ceremony will be recorded and shared with my cacao facilitator training group. You can choose to switch off your camera and mic if you don’t want to be seen. Although I'd love to connect and interact with you I also understand if you want to stay in your space. But maybe showing yourself can also mean a leap out of your comfortzone for you and you can give it a try :-)
If you are new to cacao ceremonies and want to join but maybe some questions or concerns regaring preparation of the cacao or whatever arise, please reach out to me before the ceremony.
Looking forward to shre the sacred space with you.
Much love and light from Portugal